Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i'M Speechless

Ak invi dlm YM, sekali ak nmpak nama ini bernyala dgn status begini

ak tergerak utk buzz dan bertnya siapa "sara" itu. ak juga adalah sara. adakah aku? adakah bukan? alih ak menerima jawapan begini:

tanpa berlengah lagi, ak pon membaca la blog die. ak xder link die before sbb ak xpnya FS. ak sudah tidak gemar berFS atas sebab2 tertentu. maka, berlingan air mata ak utk hari ini. kan ak ckp ak ratu air mata. hoho... tp ak rase, andai antara korg dapat tribute mcm ak ni pon harus meleleh kan?

kat sini ak tepek apa yg die tribute for ak...

ak sgt touching..tq dear :(

A tribute to Sara:-

Ask her how she is doing,
If you see Sara
Would you tell her that
I miss her so much
That I still need her ears
And heart and hands
And her presence, a loving friend

If you see Sara,
Would you let her know that
I was in love
And I need her to teach me
How to keep up
With this world
Like she did
When love had turned its back from her

I’m not sure where Sara is,
But if you get to see her
Tell her I am not fine
I am facing a battle from my own hands
Tell her I now understand
When she explained how love could hurt
And hurt you the most…

Tell Sara I had a man
Whom my father had frowned on
Way off intent
I had left him with deep wounds
Which never would close without a scar
And even time would heal it ajar

But, if only Sara could hear me,
I know she could also feel
How blessed I have felt
When I found this man,
Whom I could love,
Whom my family had approved
Despite my friends’ censures
Then I became so determined as never before
But he just had to put his other agendas first, Sara
And he doesn’t know where he had crossed the line
That’s why when he returned to me
I couldn’t help but keeping what’s mine…
My life without him

Sara I had so much loved him,
We both thought it was true love
But he just had to deny me
When I needed him the most
Though he said he never had done that
Though he said he hasn’t changed a bit
With his love until this day
Perhaps he thought true love is what worked his way
But I only found that funny, Sara…

Don’t you think?
What’d you do Sara?
Please ask her for me
If she’s in my shoes
I think Sara would say to me…
If your heart feels nothing
And as numb
And you’re not crying,
Though your heart has turned into crumbs
Well your heart is working
And yet nothing is ruined
Because you’ll find true love,
You’ll find true love when you find it…
I know Sara would say that to me
I just need to hear it from you, Sara
Please just let her know everything for me

If you see Sara…


I.A.A stand for her full name "IMAN AMER AZHAR" such a unique name, such a wonderful meaning. such a wonderful girlfriend i ever had. ak kenal die since ak form 1 lagi, but become her besfrend tym form 2 mcmtuh. kitaorg sgt rapat. share everything together.nagis together, gelak togeter, lari dr sekolah together.hahaha.. smpi tyme form 4, ak dapat tawaran ke sek lain, tp ak dipujuk oleh iman supaya ak stay disekolah itu. dia ckp nnti die xder kawan kalo ak pegi. salah satu sbb ak menolak tawaran itu adalah kerana die. dan ak boleh berjaya smpi hari ini even ak menolak ke sekolah itu. iman banyak tlg ak dulu. die sgt pandai berbndinga ak yg sgt playfull tym sek dulu. ak xpenah ada girlfren yg sgt menghargai sebuah persahatan. serius iman! till now, ak still simpan sume surat kau dlm box yg kita buat sama2 waktu kelas kemahiran hidup dulu.

yang paling ak ingt sekali tym kita form 4, final ekjem ada kuar essei your bestfrend. dan kita tulis antara satu sama lain.wah! sgt hebatkan persahabatan kita.. smpi teacher salwani ckp kat ak..diapon terkejot sbb apa yg kita tuleh hampir sama jalan ceritanya. cume ayat yg ko tuleh lebih sedap la sbb ko kan lahir kat obersea sana! maaf ye iman, amerika di boikot skrg!! hihi sbb yg ak ingt die ckp "korg pnya story hampir sama"..hoho... walaupun kita da semakin jauh, ak sgt sygkan persahabatan kita iman.

Namun, persahabatan kita semakin renggang apabila ak dan die sibuk dgn pelajaran dan kerjaya. waktu tu terasa sgt ak hilang seorg best buddiey! ak agak lama x jmpa die. almost 3 years kalo xsala ak. hoh! ak adalah sahabt yg sgt keji. membiarkan die sedey sorg2..sory iman, tp ko selalu dlm aty ak.

kitakan berkongsi bulan lahir yg sama.. hanya beza 2 hari..jom celebrate bedday sesama mau?

apa pun, ak pasti ak jmpa kau.. i'll update u bila ak free. ak cube mencari waktu free dlm masa terdekat.
die yg santek!


Azmil said...

apa url blog kwn baik ko tu? nk tgk gak..
ala, aku pun suka mkn gak tau hehehe..

auntie fawwaz said...

hye yey...
iklas nye senyum dia..

well speechless sumtimes needed,..
not all the word necessary to spell out...

I'm LeGend said...

blog die thru fs la
ak pon lupa..hahahah

sape yg iklas? saye ke dia?